on 2005-09-08 17:51 alex_london said the following:
smst: Can you please tell me how "Browse Music Folder" helps in this
Whenever I add new folders (i.e. CDs) to my music folder, they don't
show up in "Browse Music Folder" unless I perform a rescan first.

That's not the behaviour I get -- if I navigate to the folder containing the new folder, then it's there. I can then go into the folder and see the files (I _think_ this last step is necessary for the MD to be picked up by SlimServer, but I'm not sure).

Is it possible your browser has cached the folder listing? You could try clearing the browser cache then browsing the music folder again. BTW, I'm talking about the explicit "Browse Music Folder" option in the "Browse Music" section of the web interface, which mirrors your folder structure on disk (as opposed to, say, "Browse Albums").

Steve Tregidgo
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