mherger;467591 Wrote: 
> > If Logitech really wants this thing to get big they need to think
> > 'toaster' or as close as they can get to that type of deivce.
> What customers seem to forget is that they don't want a toaster. It's
> not a standalone device like a toaster or even an iPod. It's a
> networking device. But with the ease of a toaster? Some users really
> want the online music, even Facebook and Flickr integration. That's our
> biggest challenge: Hide the huge complexity the user wants from the
> user.

Howard's views are insightful, and perspectives like his deserve more
attention by the company.

The SB owners and potential owners I know don't want "huge complexity"
as Michael says. In fact, the existing complexity is so off putting as
to scare away customers, I've seen that myself with friends. Hiding it
won't do much. I've experienced far more people being turned off than
turned on by the products' technical features. 

Let's strip out opinions and just look at the market. With most
consumer products, the biggest sellers are mostly plug and play. Or, can
be used that way. Even with complicated home theater systems that
challenge most owners, buyers pay for someone else to do the setup and
then they simply turn it off and on and change channels or program
sources. People don't fiddle with or obsess about these things - they
set them up and use them. Period. Like a toaster.

Let the programmers and geek types on these forums argue about how to
stream music to their skateboards, or whether to move the couch two feet
to the right to absorb a low frequency sound, or how to use their SB to
see who's at the front door. It's laughable to me but it's harmless and
who cares. But don't let these people continue to have a
disproportionate influence on SB product direction and features as
they've historically had. It had led to the wrong features and bad

By listening to the wrong voices, the company misses the mainstream
market targets they should be aiming for. Positioning the products for
non- technical people will lead to greater success. By selling musical

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