RonHatl;471977 Wrote: 
> Don't get me wrong; I think it's great that we now have the Squeezebox
> Radio and Touch to "play with" or to replace our old but yet beloved
> SBs..
> But will the number of players affect the average quality on released
> versions of the Squeezebox Server software? I mean; many players equals
> many "if statements" to be handled by the software development team as
> the players' hardware are different.. I wonder; Is the 'Logitech
> Squeezebox' software development team staffed and managed accordingly?
> PS. And this is important: So far I am VERY IMPRESSED by the quality of
> both the hardware and software products from Slimdevices and now
> 'Logitech Squeezebox'. I think the success is very much related to the
> strong enthusiasm of the freaks who spend a lot of "free time"
> developing and roaming these forums! So THANK YOU ALL! You know; I just
> LOVE these products!!
> RonHatl
If you're concerned about the proliferation of players and the
complexity of the software (and implicitly, support for legacy players),
consider a couple of the alternatives:

*1. Don't introduce new products:* this is commercial suicide,
especially considering Moore's Law. As good as the existing products
are, they need new products not only for the marketing buzz they create,
but also to take advantage of adding greater capabilities at the same or
lower price point.

*2. Introduce new products, and stop supporting old hardware:* This is
what a lot of companies do, and something that Slim Devices never did
and Logitech has done as little as possible (eg, TinySC on the SB Touch
won't support SliMP3 or SB1 players). What existing SB user is going to
want to add a new device if it can't sync or interoperate with existing
gear? Probably not many, and the alternative of replacing everything is
usually very unattractive.

As pski pointed out, much of the new code -- although far from all --
goes into the player firmware, not the server software. And in some
cases, the new products help make the old products better, with the most
obvious case in point being the SB Controller. It was the first device
based on SqueezeOS, and now the Radio and Touch are the 2nd and 3rd. A
lot of the development effort on the Radio and Touch is showing payoffs
on the SBC.

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