Thanks all for your quick answer, it definitely helps !

SuperQ;479347 Wrote: 
> As long as you keep some air gap behind the A5 speakers you shouldn't
> have to worry about the bass.

That's the issue, the speaker will be squeezed between the books,
pushed to the back of the shelf cabinet, so not much of an air gap.

NewBuyer;479404 Wrote: 
> If you can, consider the 'NHT M-00 powered monitors'
> (
> These are an acoustic-suspension design, so no worries placing on a
> bookshelf.
> You will probably require an attenuator.

That is probably a nice option, however the attenuator and the
connector types would make things more complex than I like. Actually,
seeing those XLR and jack reminded me time at the university...

NewBuyer;479404 Wrote: 
> If you want more bass and thus also add a subwoofer, you will have a
> very nice sounding full-range system.

I don't really want to add a subwoofer, but I may have to.

urbanshepherd;479434 Wrote: 
> Due to some reshuffling in the living room, I currently have my A5's at
> different heights, and one on a table and one in a bookshelf, very
> snuggly at the side.  So, does it sound different to when they'd been
> painstakingly positioned to give the best acoustics to the room?  Yes. 
> Does it sound different to the wife or anyone else that comes to the
> house?  No.
> I think the A5's are fantastic speakers, and am very happy with their
> sound to this day.  Definitel one of my better purchases (along with the
> Classic of course!).

This is very good to hear. Yeah, I bet my wife and kids would not know
better. At certain stage in life, you have to be practical and can't
really go for the optimal solution.

Actually, priority number one is to protect investment from the kids. I
started ripping my CDs when my older kid managed to stuff two CDs
together in the CD player and badly scratch another one. Also gone are
all the remote controls, which is why I'm waiting for the Touch.

bhaagensen;479575 Wrote: 
> I think that usually it is actually the opposite. You'll get more,
> albeit of lesser quality, bass by placing rear-vented speakers closer to
> the wall.

My belief is that with the speaker stuck in the cabinet and squeezed
between books, with virtually no space behind, you will have no bass
extension at all.

bhaagensen;479575 Wrote: 
> Nonetheless another option, if you insist on the AE route, could be the
> A2's (which afaik are not rear-vented) and the accompanying sub.

I would prefer to avoid a sub if I can, as I would need to find a place
to put it, out of reach of my kids...


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