garym;488116 Wrote: 
> No, I'm talking about very serious BLIND ABX listening tests with high
> quality equipment conducted by serious folks. I'm not talking about
> average joes happy with AM radio. And I'm not saying that no one can
> detect the difference between an mp3 128 and original source, just that
> it typically takes very good hearing and songs where potential artifacts
> are likely. These are not the typical case for most listening. If you
> really want to learn more about this sort of thing go over to
> and read the material on this issue and the many forum
> posts. But I'm getting the idea that you're not actually interested in
> learning anything that changes your initial beliefs and you're happy to
> accept the heuristics and biases that may color your beliefs. That's
> ok--to each their own. We're just listening to music, not curing cancer.
> And as I said, I personally prefer all my music in FLAC (lossless) if at
> possible (even streams if they were available)....but not because I
> think I can hear any difference (in my library of over 100,000 songs
> I've heard less than a dozen songs that were not transparent at 128).

Please get off the pedestal.  I know all about hydrogen audio and have
been using the LAME encoder and the Fraunhofer encoder before that. 
I've been encoding my music for over twelve years and have participated
in numerous ABX tests that demonstrate that I usually can pick the
higher quality sample.

It also might interest you to know that while I don't purport to be an
audiophile, I used to sell extremely high end stereo gear.  Listening to
some top of the line Martin Logan speakers powered by Krell amps and
high end DACs will go a ways towards getting you comfortable with what
is possible in audio and you can set your expectations from that.

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