Moozh;497512 Wrote: 
> I run a squeezbox server on a mac-mini and in the energy-saver
> preferences I simply move the slider for 'computer sleep' slider over to
> the 'never' setting. Also I 'uncheck' the checkbox that says 'put hard
> disks to sleep', the result being that is simply stays on and running
> always. Been running like that in "media server' mode for a few years
> now with absolutely not one issue to mention.
> Sorry if I'm missing something but all this talk of additional
> utilities to keep a system from going to sleep just doesn't make sense
> to me as it's seemingly an easy thing to do right there in the
> preferences.

If you are running your machine solely as a media server, you're right.
But, like many people, I run SBS on the only machine I have, so I need
to have it sleep if inactive.

Having to go into System Preferences, set the slider to Never, and then
(most important) remember to set it back for normal use is really a
hassle. A click in a menu bar item (on and off) as Caffeine allows is
much neater.

There's also an issue about putting hard drives to sleep. Strictly
speaking, serving music should prevent hard drive sleep anyway, so there
would be no need to uncheck this button. However, some machines refuse
to sleep on the Energy Saver settings (there have been long discussions
of this in Apple discussion groups, without any satisfactory answer as
to what software or additional hardware causes this). And it seems that
the programs that will force sleep even if Energy Saver does not do not
keep the computer awake just because there is hard drive activity, they
need keyboard or mouse activity.

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