audiofi Wrote: 
> and....texture:
:-) Now my 2 cents...
- Power button and headphone jack are too close to edges of the
- Move the power button down to about middle height on bezel.
- Headphone jack should have a text and/or icon label.
- Display should be centered vertically in the bezel.
- Display is too far to the left.
- After moving power button down, and display to right, place
  'SQUEEZEbox2' logo in upper left hand corner.
- Slim Devices logo should have orange colored bars.
- There should be a choice of bezel colors - black or silver, but the
  body can be painted black (textured) for both rather than being a
  brushed texture.
- I assume the wheel is for scrolling up and down through large
  lists.  I think you also have to have a volume knob, especially for
  headphone listening.  Same size as wheel.  Both centered vertically
  on bezel.
- The 'dot' on the wheel should be a larger, concave depression (not
  colored) so that you can easily roll it with a figertip.  
- Volume knob should have a small 'Volume' text label over top.  It
  should have no 'dot', since the volume control will be digital.
- Move left/right/plus buttons to the right of the wheel, so that
  thumb can roll wheel and left/right buttons could be operated by
  fingers.  I'm assuming right-handed operation, as this would be
  easiest with the display to the left.
- Order of knobs, wheels and buttons to the right of display: volume,
  thumbwheel, then buttons.

I'm not a fan of the minamalist approach. You'd almost need a remote in
your hand to make this panel convenient.  I'd suggest a minimal set of
essential buttons.  In addition to the '+' (Add) button I think the
light blue buttons from the remote, 'Play', 'Pause', 'Fwd', and 'Rwd'
are necessary.  It should be comparable to the controls on the typical
CD player, plus the navigation controls.  No 'Eject' button necessary.


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