To the best of my knowledge, the Tvix 6600 is just a media player like
the Squeezebox (I have two of the older Tvix models).  They will play
music fine if you direct it to your music folder.

The Tvix, IMHO, is the best Video media stereamer available, the
Squeezebox is the best Audio streamer avaialble.  The Tvix does do
audio, but it has a lot of limitations (it tries to do everything).  In
my experience, it can't search and you can't adjust the playlist while
playing, I found it so annoying that I just go to the Squeezebox for
music.  If you only play music from predefiend playlists, I suspect it
will work just fine for you.

The Tvix is built on a Linux kernel, and as such, the source code is
available.  If you have the knowledge, you could compile it and most
likely incorporate the Squeezebox Server, but it is probably easier to
just build yourself a mediacenter PC - an Atom with ION should do all
you need.

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