This is a sudden problem; I have never had an issue like this with my
I came home one night and SB3 was unable to connect to the

My set up:
Computer_1: Laptop with squeezecenter software, wireless
Computer_2: Desktop with music, wired
SB3 wireless

SB3 connects no problem to the network.  In fact, I can play Internet
Squeezcenter can see the Music on the other computer no problem
The only issue is the SB3 and squeezecenter can't "see" each other,

I added the 3 Ports as exceptions to my linksys router, after Tech
suggested that.  It made no difference.  Of course the Windows Firewall
exceptions are also set.

I have reset to factory settings on SB multiple times, to no avail,

Control Panel indicates all oks, IP Address, pings, etc.

Version 7.4.1 - r28947
Operating System Windows XP - EN - cp1252

Antivirus:  Free version of "PC TOOLS ANTIVIRUS"  which I don't think
has a firewall.  No place to put exceptions.  I've always used this and
no problem with blocking SB3.

Please remember this set up has worked for months.  This is a new
problem that seemingly occurred out of the blue.

What would you try next?

Please help me.

thank you for your time.

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