bluegaspode;506710 Wrote: 
> ...
> But since such a forum never existed at all (and didn't exist for any
> device before the Boom) I definitely see nothing intentional bad but
> just lazyness in that...

That's kinda my point.  The Boom and TP are both being sold new as part
of the current line.  "Current line" being the operative words.

I can't think of an example where this type of exclusion has occurred,
so I'll make one up:  Imagine you own a new MacBook, 2 Cinema Displays,
tons of software, & an iPhone.  On top of that you own a top of the line
MacPro for use in your home studio.  The MacPro costs more than all of
the other devices combined twice over, is still in production, still at
a premium price, but was released prior to the other products.  When you
go to Apple you find there is no forum for it. All of the other devices
have their own dedicated forums, even the software.  What gives?  

What would you think?


-I like it, you may not.  I understand and respect that.-
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