jimbo45;510730 Wrote: 
> Hi there
> as I said I'm not a Guru so how do I set it so the music folder on the
> radio will scan the various disks.
> For example say I have d:\music1 and e:\music2 
> what do I set up on my server as the music folder.
> The Radio I assume will look at the library that the server has defined
> as the music folder.

What I would do:

Create a new directory somewhere convenient to you.

In that new directory, create a shortcut to "D:\music1" and another
to "e:\music2". 

Tell SBS that new directory is your library.

Or you could have a shortcut on D:\music1 that points to E:\music2...

How you do it is really up to you.  I think the first method is a bit
prettier (all shortcuts in the same spot, and nothing but shortcuts
there), but that's just taste.

The radio has no clue about paths to files or anything: the server does
it all.

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