Neal Gabbons wrote a comprehensive review of Squeezebox 1 (version 2) and Slimserver in the May edition of HiFi World. He was enthusiastic about the sound and even suggested numerous tweaks to the squeezebox that included replacing the power supply and some internal components with upgraded electronics! The comparison was with an esoteric Naim CD5 and Flatcap 2 power supply costing many times the price! All in all, the review was very positive with Mr Gabbons extolling the virtues of the Exact Audio Copy codec ( he used and declaring that after tweaking, his Squeezebox sounded almost as good as his Naim! There was no comparison with any competing WiFi device in the review and being a committed audiophile, he made no attempt to compare any other lossy codecs alongside lossless EAC. So at least the niche HiFi press is taking the Squeezebox seriously!

David Miller

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