dean Wrote: 
> On Sep 19, 2005, at 8:53 PM, exilejedi wrote:
> > My suspicion is that XML format changed enough with iTunes 5 (to
> allow
> > playlist folders, which are really cool) that it breaks slimserver's
> > ability to parse it correctly.
> I upgraded to iTunes 5 and saw no problem importing my iTunes XML  
> information.
> If you are having problems, please use the --d_itunes debugging  
> option and do a rescan.  That should help isolate the problem.
> Thanks,
> dean

With the --d_itunes flag enabled, things now work perfectly.  I now
have all my tracks and playlists; even the playlist folders are handled
correctly.  Based on my years in the software industry, I have to say
that this makes perfect sense. ;-)

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.



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