The squeezebox system always gets bashed for it's poor user interface
when it comes to managing synchronisation.

Can we as a community come up with some good ideas that can the
developers can use to improve on this?

Could we as a community come up with constructive ideas how the
developers can improve it? 
Not so much on the touch. They can get plenty of inspiration from
iPeng, Sonos, Slimcontrol etc. But for the spinning-wheel/knob devices,
Radio and controller. Maybe also leave out the VFD based devices as
their limited visualization makes it hard to do the massive improvement
that is needed. I don't own one, so I may be wrong. But my own focus
will be on squeezeplay devices with a wheel/knob.

I will start out with a couple of ideas:

1. Let users define sync-groups that the system remembers. I.e. which
players are in the group and which playlist should take over.

2. Easier stopping of multi-sync. If I e.g. sync 3 devices I need to
switch between players to get the players to play individually. The
party has finished, I just want to kill all sync "with one click".


BR Mogens

1 Radio, 2 Controllers, 2 Receivers, 1 Squeezeplay. Served by an old
800 mhz IBM T21 Thinkpad.
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