Confirm that shuffle is set to "off".  It's easiest to see this through
the web panel (IMHO).  If set to "album" or "song" it will either
shuffle tracks on the album or by whatever criteria you are playing
(e.g. artist, genre etc).

In addition, make sure the tags are all correct.  I don't know how SB
would behave if the "track number" value is not populated, but I'm
pretty sure it wouldn't play tracks in the right order ;)  

So for any new music you've imported, confirm that "track number" field
is good; for those albums which used to work fine, open a tag editor and
make sure nothing has happened to the tags.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robin
Sent: 21 September 2005 12:36
To: Slimdevices discussions
Subject: [slim] Tracks shuffled 

Where am I going wrong, perhaps somebody can help.  I used to use browse

music folder regularly to play albums but recently (not sure how 
recently) the behaviour has changed.  No matter what I do I cannot get 
tracks to play in the order they are on the CD.  This behaviour is the 
same for my SB2 and my Slimp3s.  I'm getting alot of grief from the 
family when they play things like Phantom of the Opera, its easier to 
tolerate with most CDs but I'd really like to correct it.  I've tried 
messing with shuffle to no avail.
regards, robin
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