On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 8:02 AM, pippin
<pippin.46w5gn1267020...@no-mx.forums.slimdevices.com> wrote:
> Ben Sandee;520095 Wrote:
>> I think for most people (the non-vocal majority) the
>> sync interface is good enough because you set it up once and just
>> leave it alone.
> Well, frankly, I _DO_ change volume on my players several times a day.
> Even synced ones.
> And I don't think changing volume is a rare use case for anybody.
> And it sucks with the current sync interface on the controller.

I got rid of my controller a long time ago so no comment on that.

I also adjust the volume on my players all the time, but I don't sync
volume.  That simply doesn't make sense for me because only someone
actually in the room with the device can know what the proper volume

I think that volume syncing is a feature that goes beyond what a
"decent" implementation must have.

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