Hi, first post and not very computer knowledgeable. Currently I have
Dell Desktop PC and an EeePC at home. The Dell Desktop PC is hooked up
to the web via a cable modem which in turn feeds a Cisco wireless router
model WRT310N. I use iTunes and currently I am streaming my music to the
EeePC via the wireless router using iTunes Home Sharing feature.

BTW, the Dell Desktop PC has a Chaintech AV710 sound card which I use
to send files digitally using an optical cable to feed a Monarchy NM24
DAC which in turn feeds other headphone amps. As you can see when I work
on the PC (3-4 hours weeknights and 8-10 hours on the weekends) I listen
to my music via headphones. BTW I also sometimes use a Red Wine Audio
Isabellina HPA which I connect via USB to feed either the internal
headphone amp in the Isabellina HPA or a Red Wine Audio Signature 30.2
which amps an AKG K1000 ear-speaker.

So although late in the game I have a chance to buy an used Squeezebox
Classic for a good price and would like to hook it up to my system. I
would like your opinion on the two following options. BTW, if you have
an alternative or third option I would appreciate you sharing it.

1. I could hook up the SB Classic to one of the Ethernet ports on the
Cisco wireless router and connect it to my Dell Desktop PC. This would
allow me to listen to the many radio stations which I have read are
available via the SB Classic. For my remote EeePC I can then continue
using the wireless router to stream the music. However this does not
solve the problem w/ my headphone nightstand rig, for which I could
either get a 2nd SB Classic to receive the music and then either feed
the music to the amp via the RCA outs or send the digital files to a
second DAC by the headphone stand rig. OR

2. I could place the SB Classic on the headphone nightstand rig and
then stream music wireless's back to the Dell Desktop PC. The files
would then be sent via the optical cable to the Monarchy NM24 DAC as I
currently do w/ the iTunes files.

So, would the 2nd option work? I am pretty sure the 1st option would
work but I would need two SB Classics and thus more money. Thanks for
your patience.

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