Well, I've got a cheap Belkin wireless router (F5D7230uk4) and it works
fine with 2 xSB2s. I have a Belkin Access Point to boost the signal
upstairs.  I had an initial problem with dropouts when using 128 Bit
WEP encryption which was solved when I switched to 64 bit.  

I'm completely non-techie, and everything, including Slimserver, works
perfectly and has done since 6.1 was released (before that, my only
real gripe was slow library rescans, but now it's very quick). The PC
(Windows XP) is nothing special, and is often multi-tasking while I'm
listening to my Squeezeboxes. 

So I guess what I'm saying is that Slim Devices have put together a
brilliant, low cost package for multi-room audio. And if it weren't for
the 'enthusiastic amateurs' or whatever they've been called, we wouldn't
have great extra features like Alien BBC.

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