silwerfeldt;537628 Wrote: 
> hmm I haven´t seen or used the feature before that you can write URL:s
> in the squeezecenter unfer favorites.. 
> I tried to add my http://my-ip:8421 but it won´t connect.
> If I use the squeezenetwork it works... 
> Am I missing something?
> It feels like I am pretty close and again thanks for all help!

Yes, sounds like you are close. You do have the IP address as
192.168.xx.yy in place of "my-ip", right? And it is the IP of the
computer running SBS+Spotify+DSBridge (I think they all have to be on
the same computer), right? You can get the link into the SBS favorites,
ok? That should do it, selecting that link in SBS should connect SBS to
DSBridge/Spotify. However, I had loads of problems with SBS being very
obnoxious about initializing the connection. Once it connected, it
typically worked, but getting there... Look into the SBS log, see if
you have connection problem entries there, maybe that can shed some

Now I only use DSBridge/Spotify through, it works much *much*
better. Right out of the box, always (almost).


// OppfinnarJocke
SqueezeBox Duet, Controller FW 7.5.0 r8673, Player FW 65
I mainly use my Duet for Spotify via chp's DSBridge
without SBS through (see post #294 in the DSBridge
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