On Sun, 2005-09-25 at 09:19 -0700, MrC wrote:
> > As for power supply standards, try figuring out why hospitals 
> > (and a select few other businesses) get 207V.  I have 
> > absolutely no idea why, but they do.
> Most larger businesses run higher 240 voltages, because they use
> 3-phase power.  3-phase is far more efficient for large amperage
> circuts than the standard 2-phase we all normally use.  Also, 3-phase
> is a no-brainer for generator motors, due to the 3 poles on such
> motors.

I'm no longer working with electrical engineers all the time, but
I think MrC has the concept right, but the numbers wrong. Or I could 
be wrong.

I think 240v is standard one phase, two leg power, which most of the US
has in their house. Common 120v is one leg, to ground. Dryers
and air conditioners use both legs and see 240v.

208v is three phase. And it is way more efficient for motors, etc.
Some industrial/commercial lighting is 177v because that is
what you get when you tie two of the three phase legs

Hospitals also use lots of 120v circuits with special and
expensive outlets. The key is that they are designed to 
avoid sparks, which is important since oxygen is everywhere
in most hospitals and other explosive gasses (used for
anesthesia, etc.) are also common.

Audiophiles buy the hospital grade outlets to improve the
sound of their systems. Some audiophile vendors take
normal $30 hospital outlets and put them in nice boxes
and sell them for $100. Nice mark up.


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