Luzifer;540520 Wrote: 
> Hallo ralphy,
> the version 0.9-151 shows the following error message:
> output_thread: PortAudio error1: Invalid sample rate
> squeezeslave -L now shows the right device but still the above
> message.
> I use Windows ASIO version.
> Thanks
> Axel

That error indicates the audio library tried to set your sound card to
44.1KHz sample rate and failed.

I've built two debug asio versions to help nail down your issue. 
Please download 'this file'
and unzip it.

Please provide the output from these commands;

c:\>squeezeslave-asio-pa1485-0.9-153.exe -L

c:\>squeezeslave-asio-pa1495-0.9-153.exe -L

Then run the below command and add whatever additional options you've
been using.  If it works, play 30 seconds of a song, stop the stream
and press Q to exit.  Don't worry if the display gets messed up, I just
need the log files.

c:\> squeezeslave-asio-pa1485-0.9-153.exe -D -dslimaudio_output

Then do the same using the other version.

c:\> squeezeslave-asio-pa1495-0.9-153.exe -D -dslimaudio_output

Zip the pa1485.log and pa1495.log log files and attach them to a post.

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