Status for Squeezebox Server
        Version: 7.4.1 - r28947 @ Tue Oct 20 08:13:15 PDT 2009
        Hostname: rossi
        Server ip-adress:
        HTTP-server port number: 9000
        OS: Windows XP - NO - cp1252 
        Architecture: 586
        Perl-version: 5.10.0 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
        MySQL-version: 5.0.22-community-nt
        Total number of connected players: 1

It's serving out the music from an iTunes installed on the same

When I installed Squeezebox Server I told it to pick up the album cover
art from iTunes.  This is both cover art that has been added
automatically for single songs bought on iTunes store (or whatever it's
called), and cover art I've added manually for CDs I've ripped myself.

This has worked fine.  The album cover art showed up both on the Duet
remote control, and on the web interface.

Yesterday I added some missing album covers, and they show up in iTunes,
but not in the Squeezebox Server web interface, nor in the Duet remote.

What I tried was first just to leave it alone, and then it picked up
some playlist reorganizations I did at the same time.  But it didn't
pick up the new album covers.

So then I tried, using the web interface, to force a rescan.  No changes
to the album covers.

Then I tried unchecking the "Extract iTunes Artwork (experimental)", do
a scan (didn't remove the artwork it already had, btw), and checking the
setting again and do a rescan.  Still didn't pick up the new album

Then I did a reboot of the XP machine that runs the server (Squeezebox
Server is run as a service that's started at startup time, so the XP
machine was just displaying its login screen).  Still didn't pick up the
new album art?

What else can I try?  Logging in and using the Squeezebox Server control
panel?  Is that different from the web interface?  Are there some logs I
can check, or config files I can tweak, or programs I can run manually?


- Steinar

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