It looks as if the problem is with the 1.2V supply to the SB3's CPU (the
part marked IP3023 on the duaghter board under the wireless card). The
problem I had was also with the 1.2V supply, but I am not sure if the
cause is the same yet.

As far as I can determine, the 1.2V supply is generated from the 5V
line by U17 (switch mode regulator chip) in conjuntion with Q3 (FET),
and then fed to the CPU via L4. If you have a look at page 5 of the
datasheet for U17, you can see roughly what we are dealing with:

We need to narrow down the problem a little further - would you be able
to measure the voltage at each leg of Q3 ?

If at all possible, let everything cool down and measure the voltages
again before the display goes blank.

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