The 'commands' needed for using a NAS with vbox involve

1. hook up display and keyboard- no mouse.
2. login as root (that's their name.) You will make a root password
during the install of vbox
3. use vi (read about it first) to add a line to the file /etc/fstab

vi /etc/fstab

What that line looks like depends on the NAS and whether it does NFS
(easy) or it's acting like a windows shared folder (a little less
easy.) Type back or ask Agillis.

4. save the file and restart the vbox machine. 
5. use the sbs gui /settings/basic to point to the location you mounted
in #3 and rescan.



real stereo makes the lights dim on the bass notes. (this means your amp
could also use it's own circuit.)
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