It reminds me the problem I had.
For some reasons Transporter was hanging up on "ape" files to the point
I had to unplug power cord. It went away after changing the environment
from WIN XP to Debian and upgrading squeezebox server software. 
Also the external hard drive gave me some trouble, especially under XP.
Exactly the kind of behavior you describe.
Same thing with synchronizing my Transporter with Receiver. Sometimes
under XP, only one device was able to play music. 
I never had problems with the voltage information though. That may be,
as stated earlier, irrelevant. 
I assume Transporter doesn't play any music files ?
Did you try reinstalling or upgrading server software ? Your problem
could be server related. Try nightly built with new Transporter

Anyway, make sure everything else works and eliminate any other
possible errors before popping cover of your Transporter. Then you
could try tracing voltages...


Transporter > Adcom GFP-750 > Monarchy Audio SE-100 monoblocks > Proac
Studio 100; Cardas Neutral Reference all over
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