I'm invoking "the kitchen sink" subtitle of this forum to ask a question
about networking that is only tangentially about SBs, because I know a
lot of the folks here will know the answers.

I have a Linksys WRT54GL running Tomato firmware as my router. I also
have a Netgear WGR614v3 router that has been repurposed as an access
point. For this I've connected the Linksys to the Netgear via ethernet
using one of the Netgear's LAN ports, turning off DHCP on the Netgear,
etc. etc. This setup connects a mixture of computers, SBs, internet
tablets, etc. Most of the devices are "G" devices, but we do have a
couple N-capable laptops, which are currently connecting via G.

The Netgear is starting to flake out, so I'm going to replace it. I see
two options. Option 1 is to replace it with another router that can run
Tomato or DD-WRT, and use Wireless Distribution System to use the
second router as an AP, though I'm not clear yet whether it would be
bridging or repeating. Given that I have the ethernet in place to wire
the two together, I'm not sure of the advantages of WDS to me in this
setting, since I understand that for wifi devices WDS effectively
halves the bandwidth.

Option 2 is basically to replicate the setup I have now, using the
second router as a simple access point. In fact, for this option I
could buy an AP, except they usually cost more and are useless as
backup routers in case my router suddenly dies.

For either option, I would seriously look at getting an N-capable
router so that the current -- and now doubt future -- N devices can
take advantage of it. It appears that there is at least one N-capable
router out there (WRT160NL) that supports DD-WRT, so Option 1 would
still be a possibility.

Any advice? Thanks.

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