Thanks for the responses. I think my soldering skills are poor enough to
rule out the "build your own" option. I've looked at the X10 option
before, and it seems to be less than wife/parent friendly. I constantly
find myself reviewing how the Harmony remote works (Seriously, the #$%!
thing has a button that says "Watch TV").

There seems to be no solution that is:

Seamlessly integrated into the Squeezebox. No additional steps, no
caveats, power on the Squeezebox and the amp powers on, always (I'm
looking at you, Squeeze Network)

Does not require me to build/solder a 120V "mains" device (I prefer my
fires in the woodstove)

If it requires 3'rd party add-on software, it should be well supported.
I've set up too many projects around software where the developer lost
interest and abandoned the project. Yes, I'm willing to pay for
software that fulfills a need.

I don't mean this to be critical, I sincerely appreciate the
suggestions. This is the last nit in an otherwise flawless system. I'm
finally past my WOL issues, my flaky alarms, stability problems,
tagging, file management, etc... Perhaps I'll just need to break down
an buy an amp that supports direct control. I just hate to replace a
perfectly serviceable and sweet sounding amp. 

Perhaps I'm just being too lazy, it is just flipping a switch. Ah,

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