nmizel Wrote: 
> I also suffered from similar problems in the past with my SB1, mainly
> caused by my low-power hardware (VIA Eden 533 MHz, USB 1.1 external
> hard disk).
I DJ with my squeezebox, and I'm trying to build a portable system.
Portable means light weight hardware, small server, slow disks, etc. So
I'm in a similar situation - I have to have low-spec hardware in order
to have low weight.

Moreover, as a DJ, the sound can't stop. Like, it's not an option.
Never. So "minor annoyances" people talk about where the music stops
for only the merest second or two - those are the stuff of nightmares.

> To overcome this, I managed to run two instances of slimserver.pl, one
> for the web interface (browse, search, rescan, etc.) and the other for
> the rest.
I considered doing this, but if you've already done it ... 

> I'll post more details if anyone is interested.

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