millerlitescott;587720 Wrote: 
> I have also been experiencing music stopping during playback and after
> 30 seconds to a minute it would come back on. It happens when I am
> playing from a laptop that is connected via ethernet to the router and
> the from the router to a network hub to the touch via ehternet. I do
> not remember this happening when I was going wireless.  It also does
> not happen when I play from a netbook I have that is wireless to the
> router. 
> Interesting.
> Scott

>From a time perspective, you often have to dig into things quite a bit
to know for sure when the problem source is coming from the internet -
streaming in particular qualifies for this.

As pfarrell eludes to above, a good spare switch can answer can answer
a lot of questions right quick, while simultaneously providing
significant relief on the hassle and exasperation scale.

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