Muele;588722 Wrote: 
> I can't connect my player to my squeezebox server across the web.
> I have set up port forwarding of ports 9000, 9090 (shouldn't be
> necessary, actually) and 3483 in the router.
> I can connect remotely with Squeezecommander on my phone. And with my
> webbrowser (http:....:9000) and ...:9000/stream.mp3 on the pc.
> But I cannot get any squeezebox player to connect. I have tried with a
> Radio, Softsqueeze and Squeezeplay.
> I guess the difference is port 3483, but that is also forwarded (both
> protocols)
> Any ideas what can be wrong?

Port 3483 UDP supports remote player discovery. There is a difference
between UDP and TCP. 

Does this help?



real stereo makes the lights dim on the bass notes. (this means your amp
could also use it's own circuit.)
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