Only five weeks have passed since the last feature update … time for a
new one, don't you think ? 

This release introduces: 
- playlist protection 
- album/artist/image-caching for your local library 
- a reworked screensaver 
- automatic server detection 
- Wake-On-Lan 
- iOS4.2 readyness 
- some bugfixes 

See all other features that always have been there on my website
( oder YouTube
Also don't forget to give your vote for the next most wanted feature:

But now let's go into the details of the current release ! 

Ever created a big playlist and with a single wrong tap just erased it?
Now SqueezePad offers you a 'playlist modification mode' on the settings
You can either choose to 
- always replace the playlist (old behavior) 
- always add songs to the end 
- always add songs after the current playing song 
- always have SqueezePad ask you 

The last option is really nice if you don't wan't to decide beforehand
how to populate the playlist. It's also very nice for parties because
your guest can decide on the fly. 

SqueezePad now keeps a cache for album-lists, artist-lists and album
images of your local library. 
The cache is only filled when you browse a menu the first time. If you
enter the album or artist list a second time (even after a restart)
they will appear immediately. 
The cache will be flushed automatically when: 
- you do a full rescan of your library 
- you do a scan for new music and the album-,artist-, track- or
genre-count changes 
- you change the server-url or update your server 

Furthermore you'll find a button on the settings screen for clearing
the cache if something is not right (this might be needed, if just some
album covers changed). 

The screensafer now looks much nicer overall. Gone is the boring black
But more important: if you tap it a bar with some controls (play,stop,
rewind, next and volume) appears on the top so you can use the most
important stuff right from the screensafer. 
This is very handy when you use your iPad with the screensaver in the
dock and just want to skip a song. 

When one starts SqueezePad the first time, it will automatically search
and connect to your Squeezebox-Server. No more fiddling with IP and
Ports on the settings-screen. 
SqueezePad will remember the name of the server, so if just the IP
changes SqueezePad will now adopt automatically. 

On the settings screen there is also a 'Search' button, which will give
a list of all found servers.

If one enters the MAC of the server on the settings-screen, SqueezePad
will send a Wake-On-Lan packet to this server upon start and every five

iOS4.2 is on the doorsteps to your iPad. SqueezePad now fully supports
multitasking once this feature is available for the iPad. 

- if you have an album with more than 100 tracks starting a track 100+
now works 
- the progress bar is hidden again when playing streams (bug introduced
in 1.5.1) 
- SqueezePad doesn't crash anymore when you enter invalid URLs on the
- when you clear the playlist also the image of the last played song is
cleared correctly 
- erroneously selecting a track when closing the playlist is now much
much harder


Big Screen for great Boxes available now at your AppStore: *'Squeezebox
+ iPad = SqueezePad ' ( *! 
Want to see a Weather Forecast on your Radio/Touch/Controller ? => why
not try my 'Weather Forecast Applet'
Want to use the Headphones with your Controller ? => why not try my
'Headphone Switcher Applet'

Setup: 1x SB-Controller+Receiver (Duet), 1xSB-Boom. 2xSB-Radio
Server (7.5.1) running on SheevaPlug (Ubuntu) with attached Western
Digital MyBook Essential.
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