On Sun, 2005-10-09 at 06:04 -0700, Dave D wrote:
> Patrick, can you give any hints about if this price drop is inspired by
> an upcoming new or additional product offering? 

See Patrick's response.

> An example of a great company which gives hints about new product
> offerings at the same time as offering sales on existing products is
> AV123 (av123.com).

Most companies learned from Osborne Computers, one of the stars of
personal computing in the late 70s. They announced the next great thing,
and all the potential customers decided not to buy the current thing, 
destroying sales and depriving the company of the money they needed
to develop the next great thing. They went poof.

I predict that the price of the SqueezeBox2 will go down slightly over
time. Then sometime in the future, an new cooler product will come out
at about the same price as the initial price of the SqueezeBox2.

Intel has done pretty well with this business model.


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