I have a NAS with Squeezebox Server installed on a small wired LAN with
a PC and some other stuff.  On this same LAN is Squeezebox 3 and, until
recently, I was using this not only to play music directly but to bridge
the small wired LAN to the wireless network on which the rest of the
squeezeboxes sit.  This wireless network is controlled by a combined
DSL Router/AP which provides the Internet connection and is also the
DHCP server.

I was having trouble when the devices on the wired LAN were set to use
DHCP.  These devices would usually get an address but the software in
the wireless AP/Router would then complain they were not there, would
run into trouble trying to set sticky IP - in some cases claiming an IP
address clash which did not exist etc.  Also port forwarding from the
Internet to the LAN would not work.

It seems this wireless AP/Router, like some others, keeps tabs on what
is "connected" by listening on the network and matching MAC addresses. 
It also occasionally issues ARP probes.  With the squeezebox acting as a
bridge it seems the DHCP transaction is conducted with the real MAC
addresses of the devices on the wired LAN but the normal data traffic
is subject to MAC address translation, i.e. the squeezebox sends all
the non-broadcast packets forwarded from the wired network to the
wireless network with it's own MAC address and then ensures the replies
come back correctly by acting as an ARP proxy and giving out its own MAC
address as the destination for all the IP addresses on the wired LAN
behind it.  Presumably it must then use the destination IP in the
packets received from the wireless network to route the packets either
internally or out on the wired LAN to the correct MAC address.  The net
result of this is that the wireless AP/Router sees IP addresses which it
issued to one MAC address via DHCP apparently in use with a different
MAC address (the SB3's) and gets confused.

In the end I had to replace the wireless bridging with a 200Mbit/s
powerline Ethernet solution because the wireless is so busy round here
I was getting lots of drop outs so I am not asking for a solution or
workaround for the strange bridging behavior but thought I'd at least
publish what I have discovered in case someone else runs into this

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