I was having the exact same problem (click on the "play" or song link,
and it immediately stops) with both FLAC and shorten.  I got FLAC
working, but I have been unable to get SHN files working.  I've tried
both renaming Shortn32.exe to "shorten.exe" & copying that file and
Shrtn32.dll to my slimserver/bin/windows... path, and I've tried the
same with the cygwin 3.6.0 version of shorten (as well as copying in
the cygwin1.dll file), as instructed here:

Both methods have yielded nothing for me.  Can this be done?

And which checkboxes should I have checked in my server settings under
File Types?  If I check SHN/wav, SHN/flac, and SHN/mp3, will it conver
to all 3 and let my client player (iTunes in this case) decide?  Any
help would be greatly appreciated.


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