I returned an old SB2 to active service recently, trying - without much
joy - to make it connect to mySqueezebox.com.  I just verified that it
should work in principle, that I have indeed got the correct password -
and it is all good on my SB3.  But the SB2 does not get past the point
of "I already have account" where I enter my email address.  The email
is always rejected with "email not found".  Does anyone have any
suggestions what the issue might be?  Thanks.  

PS: Can I assume that I have a good internet connection to
mySqueezebox.com when the Create account/Have account/Help menu
appears?  Or is this all f/w and no evidence at all that a contact can
be established with the squeezenetwork?

PPS: It would seem to me that the player itself is showing on my
mySqueezebox.com account page.  "Not connected", of course.

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