garym;609469 Wrote: 
> How about using mp3tag. first create a custom column to display the
> bitrate info. For example, use this as the "value" in a custom column:
> %_bitrate% kb/s $left(%_vbr%,1)
> then sort your files by that column. Then you can select large numbers
> all at once, and assign a custom field within your tags based on the
> bitrate (or use some otherwise unused tag, e.g., "contentgroup").
> Then you can use this tag within one of erlands playlist plugins.
No reason to tag, the bitrate should already be in the database since
it's part of the standard tags in more or less every music file, it's
even scanned by standard SBS scanner.

The procedure to do this with SQL Playlist plugin is:
1. Create a new playlist and select the "Customize SQL" button at the
2. Click Save and enter a suitable name and paste the following text in
the SQL Query field:

  -- PlaylistName:Random for bitrate
  -- PlaylistGroups:
  -- PlaylistParameter1:custom:Select bitrate:select case when lossless=1 then 
9999999 else floor((bitrate+16000)/32000)*32000 end as calculatedbitrate,case 
when lossless=1 then 'Lossless' else concat(floor((bitrate+16000)/32000)*32,' 
kbps') end from tracks where audio=1 group by calculatedbitrate order by 
calculatedbitrate desc
  select url from tracks 
                audio=1 and
                        'PlaylistParameter1'=9999999 and
                        tracks.bitrate>='PlaylistParameter1'-16000 and 
        order by rand()
        limit 10;

This query gives you a choice of bitrates in 32kbps intervals based on
what's in your library and a separate entry for lossless music.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
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