>From a thread on another forum designed to show the differences between
standard CD quality and hi-res recordings (same recording at different
sampling rates and bit depth). 

To my ears, the differences are clearly there, just as described. If
you can't discern them, then either your system isn't up to snuff or
your ears need training. 

IMO, the vast majority of listeners, if played these tracks, would say
they sound "the same". They all sound good -they're from the same
master. It's just that when you know what to listen for, you can hear
the difference.

from Bruce Brown's (Puget Sound) thread at

One thread (the one with the link here) lets you compare redbook to
higher res versions of the same music. You can clearly hear the
differences, as Bruce says below in the thread:

"Here is a file that we recorded at a native 24/352.8 It starts off
with piano/drum. Do not listen to the music! Instead, concentrate on
the sticks hitting the cymbal. Listen to the attack/transient of the
initial hit. Listen to the tone and then the decay. Focus on just this
one element.
Listen to the sound of the cymbals in the room. How big is the room?
What kind of space is this drummer in? Listen to the tone of the
Now... as you go down to 176.4, then 88.2 and finally 16/44.1, listen
to these elements that I talked about above. Listen how the transient
attack becomes more dull. Notice how the tone of the cymbal changes
from crisp/pristine to dull and flat. Next, notice how the decay
becomes shorter and shorter and the "room" becomes smaller and more dry
with less reverb."

To my ears, clear proof that the improvement with hi -res is audible.
You can hear the differences in transients and decay, and you can hear
that the room "gets smaller" at lower res.

And please don't start telling me I imagined it all.


GIK Acoustics Room Treatments. Tranquil PC fanless WHS server running
SqueezeServer; SB Touch slaved to Empirical Audio Pace Car; MF X-DACV3,
MF X-150 amp, Devore Gibbon Super 8 Speakers; Dual 506 + Ortofon 20
(occasional use); sometimes use PC with M-Audio 192 as digital source.
SB Boom in second room. Arcam CD82 which I don't use anymore, even
though it's a very good player.
firedog's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=11550
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