I am not sure which to go for; a squeezebox wireless and a wireless card
for my PC, or a squeezebox wired using this

What are the pros and cons of each option. Bearing in mind that the
wireless signal would only have to go through one floor to the room


When I bought my last house, I pulled wire everywhere, even though retrofitting a house was a lot of work. Wired will always (well, ok, "always" ;-) ) be more reliable, simpler and easier to setup, have a higher bandwidth, and better security than wireless.

Having said that, my Squeezeboxen are all wireless models that I use wired.
That way if I decide to go wireless someday I can. And if I temporarily want to use it in a location without wire, I can do that, too.

I suggest you buy the 802.11g enabled model for flexibility, and either pull wire or use the HomePLUG solution you mention.

Just my $0.02.

Kevin O. Lepard

Happiness is being 100% Microsoft free.
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