rme Wrote: 
> Go to slimserver/server settings/internet radio settings and check
> lastfm under internet radio and under last fm internet radio settings
> below enter your userid and password.  Under enter your favorite lastfm
> stations - enter the tag type and names that you are interested in.  For
> example I entered user/enter your user id here for my personal station,
> then in the next box I entered globaltags/progressive rock for their
> progressive rock station.  when you press change, then it will give you
> more boxes to add more stations.  You can find the global tag stations
> at http://www.last.fm/tags/ to enter.

Thanks for your helpful instructions. However - the above part does not
work for me yet. I see the SlimScrobbler plugin on the plugins page
(that's the part that uploads the details), but I get no radio settings
on the internet radio page. So I cannot connect to the LastFM. radio.
Maybe anyone has any useful suggestions for this? 
Or maybe just the link to the Last.FM radio station that I can put into
the 'tune in' section on the Slimserverhomepage?

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