>> Why would 10 titles take more time than 100?

Your guess is as good as (or possibly better than) mine. But there is
no introduced artifact from the test program that I can see (the very
simple source is here: http://media.qwertyboy.org/files/sstime.c).

> I indicated in an earlier post that the testing methodologies being
> used here are un-controlled, and the margin of error is too high to
> have any meaning.  Without proper controls put into place, and
> reduction of all extraneous variables, such "tests" should be for
> amusement only.

And as I said in an earlier post, the measurements taken here show the
_real_ time it takes for the CLI to perform some database query. Yes,
the numbers that various installs yield are probably hard to compare
amongst each other, but the fact remains that this _is_ the time some
defined query takes to return results using the CLI. If the CLI should
give similar performance to a Slimpy/SB/SB2 when executing queries (and
I'm not knowledgeable to say they do, but I can't see why not), then
these numbers give a good indication of how long our beloved hardware
has to wait for the server to response.

Again, this is _NOT_ meant to show how the server performs in an ideal,
controlled environment, this is a down-to-Earth measurement of real life
installs. Can someone tell me how these performance measurements differ
conceptually from what the graphs show that Triode made that are in the
nightlies? Are they also "for amusement only"? They too give some idea
of a real install, and are not meant for an ideal, controlled environment.

Now if we could come up with a set of CLI commands that give a good
representation of what a real scenario would fire at the database, we
would have an objective indication of performance instead of vague
statements like "it is too slow" or whatever. _That_ is what I'm trying
to get to.

Unless I am totally off base here...


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