Here are some instructions I put together for Gruntwolla. If people
think they're useful I'll create a wiki page and flesh them out a bit.


If you haven't already done so, you'll need to put a password onto your
Squeezebox Server. From the SBS web site, go to Settings, Advanced,
Security (from the drop-down list) and put a password on the admin
account. You'll need to use this password when you log into the web
site in the future, and depending on what SB devices you own you might
be prompted (only once) to add it there too (IIRC the Controller, Radio
and Touch require it). 


Using, find your router make/model and look up the
instructions for adding entries to your routing table. SBS is unlikely
be in the applications list, but you can look at others for examples.

Using those instructions, add entries on the following ports to your SB
- 9000 TCP
- 3483 TCP
- 3483 UDP

* Many routers allow you enter a Computer Name rather than an IP
address. This is particularly useful if your SB Server doesn't have a
static IP address. If you need to enter an IP address, it's recommended
you put your SB Server on a static IP address.


If your router supports Dynamic DNS, you can create a friendly name to
access your server remotely using one of the (free) DNS services out
there. Doing this will ensure if your ISP changes your external IP
address, your friendly name will still reach your server.
- One of the standard ones is DynDNS
( You can create a free
hostname (e.g. that's linked to your external IP
address. Just try to avoid their constant upselling prompts!
- Find the place on your router settings that allows you to specify the
Dynamic DNS information (once again, is a good place for
- Choose which service you use from the drop-down list and enter the
credentials you have from registering with the service.

If you don't have a router that supports this, many services have a
small program you can download that'll do the work instead.


As 3G may struggle with high-bitrate files, you should install LAME
onto your SB Server and enforce bitrate limiting on your Android
player. Full instructions 'here'
(, but in
summary (for Windows users)...
- Go to and download the
latest LAME release as a zip
- Extract LAME.EXE from the zip and place it in C:\Program
Files\Squeezebox\server\bin on your SB Server
- When your Android player is connected, go to the Player tab on the SB
Settings web page, select your Android player, then the Audio settings)
- Change Bitrate Limiting for that player from "No Limit" to 96 or 128
kbps (or whatever you're happy with)


- Go into SqueezePlayer and go to Settings
- Enter the Manual Server Address as your friendly DNS name (e.g.
- Enter your user name and password under Authentication
- Turn off the Automatic WiFi setting
- Assuming you want to control the music too, you'll need to set up a
manual server in SqueezeController (or whatever you use) with the same
server name.


*lounge:* receiver; *dining room:* boom; *garden:* classic; *bedroom:*
boom; *anywhere:* controller, squeezecommander
'' (
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