Dondi Fusco wrote:

If they are different & there is a need to keep them
separate, I accomplish this by varying the name of the
album slightly. Like if I have a very high bitrate
recording, I add the word (Hi) in parens, or whatever
the difference is, I ADD to the album name. Like in
the above example I would name both albums the same,
just adding the word (mono) for the 1st and (stereo
rmstr)for the 2nd. If track order is also important,
just make sure that the album name is the same up
until the added & unique word/words that are added.
Maybe just use an iterative # like 1 and 2. It seems
that in these rare cited examples, the thinking is
that they ARE SEPARATE albums and as such need to be
treated as such.

Yes, that's exactly what I was trying to say. :)

- Marc
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