I accepted the package update on both of my Linux servers, and
squeezeboxserver stopped working on both. The logs showed only that the
wrapper was continually restarting the daemon, so I invoked it manually
and got this very cryptic message. What should I make of it? I'm not a
perl hacker, I just want to play my music... Thanks.

Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method YAML::Syck::DumpYAML() is
deprecated at /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/YAML/Syck.pm line 65.
The following modules failed to load: DBI DBD::mysql EV
XML::Parser::Expat HTML::Parser JSON::XS Digest::SHA1 YAML::Syck GD



If you're running some unsupported Linux/Unix platform, please use the
script located here:


You should never need to do this if you're on Windows or Mac OSX. If the
don't work for you, ask for help and/or report a bug.

If 7.5 is outdated by the time you read this, Replace "7.5" with the
major version
of Squeezebox Server you are running.


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