No, never any problems with dropouts with wired Squeezeboxes (SB2 &SB3),
but problems with the Receiver/Controller setup on WiFi. This led me
(some time ago) to check the wired streaming rates to establish what
rates the AP could expect to receive the data stream on the Ethernet
port. I was surprised that on a Fast Ethernet LAN, it was tripping over
itself at 5000 kbps. This led me to try other Windows XP machines as
servers, then Linux, resulting in the observations above.

Having by now got used to the feeling that the Duet is intrinsically a
bit naff, my current interest is in setting up a new media sever and
choosing the best OS to run on it. If the Network Test plugin is a
reliable indication, then I might want to avoid XP, but I don’t want to
dismiss it without convincing myself that it actually is XP rather than
some tweak I’m missing.

It’s just occurred to me that my wife’s (mainly Photoshop) PC runs
Windows 7 Home Premium. I’ll put Squeezebox Server + 250 Gig of .flacs
on that and see how she runs.

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