1. Remote
SB - http://www.slimdevices.com/images/remote-180.gif
Skipjam - http://www.skipjam.com/_images/products/rfremote.jpg
You can get an RF remote w/ 10 line, 128x128 lcd, so no line of sight
necessary.  This enables you to: hide the unit; operate it from another
room (depending on RF power); potentially search library more easily
(more lines of display).  There's no VF display that you can customise,
so that's the trade-off. The phone thing - that's a LUI (loopy useless

2. No need for any computer whatsoever.  It's not based on a
client-server architecture - its network agnostic, needing only TCP-IP.
You just need a hard drive hanging off your network.  So - it seems to
be EXACTLY what the original poster was looking for.

I don't know where you got the "you have to run Windows to use this". 
It one of the key features explained throughout skipjams website.  From
their FAQ page, "Do I need a PC? No, a PC is not required."  Have sent
several emails to skipjam, just to confirm that no pc is necessary.  It
can be configured initially w/ a computer OR the rf controller, and
after that you only need NAS.

3. Can be extended to whole house A/V control

4. Audio specs were better than SB, but prob. a push w/ SB2

Definitely falls behind if your interested in all the stuff you can get
w/ open source.  That's the trade-off, as slimserver requires that you
have, at a minimum, NAS capable of running perl 5.6 code (I think). And
skipjam costs more (but less than a modded RedWine SB2)

I'll probably end up getting an SB2, as I'm growing tired of waiting
for some user feedback on the skipjam.  But it sure would be nice if
there were an early adopter out there w/ and extra $300.

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