Hey Apesbrain,

Could you give me a little more help with sleep issues? I have
searched, and I can't find anything terribly useful here.

seems useful, but then the second post  says "search on the forums",
just as you did. Other links seem to talk about something useful, but
searches just go off to things that aren't relevant or that I don't

This post http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=72886 seems
relevant, but it says, first, "You can disable/modify the OS power
management settings on the mac, it should stop sleeping while there is
network traffic' (How?), then "you can try using something like
Caffeine (a free utility) to force the machine to stay awake" (can you
give me a recipe?), and then "Have a look at this thread in the 1/3
party forum, read the 1st messages and the last ones", which is today
187 pages long.

Is there a definite answer to "How do I keep my Mac from going to sleep
while Squeezebox Server is running, but let it go to sleep when no music
is playing?" It would be much easier than "trying" and "having a look"
at various solutions and discussions.


alanterra's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13176
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=89403

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