> After upgrading to 7.6.1 and trying a rescan, it seems to hang after a
> while and I notice the error "database disk image is malformed" in the
> scanner log:
> [11-08-27 17:29:49.4947] Slim::Utils::SQLHelper::executeSQLFile (85)
> Error: Couldn't execute SQL statement: [DELETE FROM tracks;] :
> [Carp::Clan::__ANON__(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed:
> database disk image is malformed [for Statement "DELETE FROM tracks;"]
> at /<C:\PROGRA~1\SQUEEZ~1\server\scanner.exe>Slim/Schema/Storage.pm

Could you please post the full scanner.log file? This error should be  
caught and give more log details.


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