- How do you find music in your own library?
Browse by artists or playlists

- Which type of remote/interface do you use ? Different for different
situations ?
Web interface, direct by radio and android.

- Do you find music through statistics based browse menus ? (ratings,
play counts, history)
Sometimes but not for my libarry but quite often for Spotify

- Do you find music through smart play lists based on statistics or
random selection or other kind of automatic mixes ?

- Do you use album art when selecting what to play ?

- Do you typically start searching/browsing from an artist, album or
track and want to find something related to that ?
I have used it in other players where it was visible.

How do you usually find new music you like to get but currently don't
have in your library ?
Papers, bloggs and spotify

- Heard it on the radio ?

- Where do you start when searching ? Top charts ? Genres ? Similar
Charts - Similar - Tags

- Do you use some web site when searching or do you browse some music
store directly ?
- Are you using the computer, your Squeezebox or some other device when
searching for new music ?
My computer or ios or android

- Do you preview the music before puchasing ?
Spotify or similar services
- Do you preview it on the real system or cheep laptop speakers or
something similar ?

- Do you use a subscription based service...?
- Through friends ?
How would you like to be able to find music in your own library in the
future ?

More statistics use a lot let's hear what i have from 1995 ...
I guess a big feature for me would be to be able to get my whole
listening history in to the database.

How would you like to find new music you like to buy/get in the future
I'm happy with my current approach.

What kind of tagging/management do you do on new music you add to your
library to make it easier to find stuff later on ?
mp3tag tag genre and year especially

- Is the folder structure the music files are stored in important ?
Very much indeed
d-depeche mode-1981 Speak & Spell-01-Dreaming of me

- Do you manually add ratings to your music ? Why ?

Do you synchronize the data in SBS with some other application to make
it easier to find interesting music ?
- Import statisitcs from MusicIP ?

- Import files, playlists and statistics from iTunes ?
Don't use iTunes

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