@jlynch3: the box delivers other web content at no delay. Just
slimserver is behaving that slow.

@mherger: no plugins like moodlogic, musicmagic, etc. How many titles
do you have in your archive? Maybe you are on the lucky side because of
a smaller database?

@kdf: sorry I don't want to be unfair, but from my perspektiv the
response time now is indeed very poor. I just speak for my machine.

Does someone have a crisp interface with a databse with more than
30.000 titles? Maybe there is a number of titles threshold where
slimserver starts degrading in performance. Again, just guessing.

@meyergru: Interesting, that at least gives some indication that the
database runs wild. 

Is there an option to tell slimserver not to use sqllite but to hold
everything in memory? If so, I would like to test this.

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