I write bliss which does artwork and organizes files but a disclaimer:
it is commercial above "100 fixes" (if fixing paths and artwork this
costs two fixes per album so will fix fifty albums).

Do the files have 'proper' names? Do they include the same artist or
album information in the name that is shown on the SBS? If not, then
the tags *must* be present, because there's no other way it could be
getting this information (assume you aren't integrating SBS with iTunes

To make sure artwork is on your SBS follow all the rules here:
http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/AlbumArtwork . You must either
embed it or keep it in a file, one per album folder. Given you
currently have all your files in one folder then SBS will otherwise
rely on embedded art.


'bliss' (http://www.blisshq.com) - fully automated music library
management. 'Read the music library management blog'
(http://www.blisshq.com/music-library-management-blog/) including 'how
to use bliss to manage Squeezebox album art'
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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=92991

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